Noncooperative Game Theory: An Introduction for Engineers and Computer Scientists

Noncooperative Game Theory: An Introduction for Engineers and Computer Scientists
Author: by João P. Hespanha (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Princeton University Press
Publication Date 出版日期: 2017-undefined-May
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 248 pages
ISBN-10: 0691175217
ISBN-13: 9780691175218

Book Description
By finelybook

Noncooperative Game Theory is aimed at students interested in using game theory as a design methodology for solving problems in engineering and computer science. Joao Hespanha shows that such design challenges can be analyzed through game theoretical perspectives that help to pinpoint each problem’s essence: Who are the players? What are their goals? Will the solution to “the game” solve the original design problem? Using the fundamentals of game theory, Hespanha explores these issues and more. The use of game theory in technology design is a recent development arising from the intrinsic limitations of classical optimization-based designs. In optimization, one attempts to find values for parameters that minimize suitably defined criteria–such as monetary cost, energy consumption, or heat generated. However, in most engineering applications, there is always some uncertainty as to how the selected parameters will affect the final objective. Through a sequential and easy-to-understand discussion, Hespanha examines how to make sure that the selection leads to acceptable performance, even in the presence of uncertainty–the unforgiving variable that can wreck engineering designs. Hespanha looks at such standard topics as zero-sum, non-zero-sum, and dynamics games and includes a MATLAB guide to coding. Noncooperative Game Theory offers students a fresh way of approaching engineering and computer science applications. * An introduction to game theory applications for students of engineering and computer science * Materials presented sequentially and in an easy-to-understand fashion* Topics explore zero-sum, non-zero-sum, and dynamics games* MATLAB commands are included


Noncooperative Game Theory offers students a fresh way of approaching engineering and computer science applications.”– “Mathematical Reviews”

From the Back Cover

“Joao Hespanha’s standing in the field is stellar and students will appreciate his textbook in courses. This well-written book is clear and focused, and organized around suitable modules and lectures. It contains compelling theoretical and computational exercises.”–Magnus Egerstedt, coauthor of Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks

“This book is targeted to first-year graduate or senior elective undergraduate engineering students. While there are several advanced textbooks available on noncooperative game theory, there are very few that are specifically targeted towards an engineering audience. This textbook covers a variety of game theoretic concepts that are relevant to engineering applications and forms a strong basis for further reading.”–Jeff Shamma, Georgia Institute of Technology

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