Modern C++ Programming Cookbook: Master Modern C++ with comprehensive solutions for C++23 and all previous standards Aut...

Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++ (Wiley Finance) Author: Daniel J. Duffy (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Wiley...

Programming with C++20: Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more Author: Andreas Fertig (Author), Franziska Panter (Illust...

C++ Core Guidelines Explained: Best Practices for Modern C++ Author: Rainer Grimm (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Ad...

Embracing Modern C++ Safely Author: John Lakos (Author), Vittorio Romeo (Author), Rostislav Khlebnikov (Author), Alisdai...

C++ Initialization Story: A Guide Through All Initialization Options and Related C++ Areas 483 READERS 272 PAGES 52,989 ...

Modern C++ For Software Developers Serious C++ Development 575 PAGES 60 DAYS GUARANTEE ENGLISH PDF Book Description Mode...

C++ Move Semantics – The Complete Guide: First Edition by: Nicolai M. Josuttis Publisher finelybook 出版社: NicoJosu...

C++ Lambda Story: Everything you need to know about Lambda Expressions in Modern C++! February 1, 2021 by Bartlomiej Fil...

Concurrency with Modern C++: What every professional C++ programmer should know about concurrency by: Rainer Grimm Relea...