Modular Design Frameworks: A Projects-based Guide for UI/UX Designers

Modular Design Frameworks: A Projects-based Guide for UI/UX Designers1484216873

Modular Design Frameworks: A Projects-based Guide for UI/UX Designers
by 作者: James Cabrera
ISBN-10 书号: 1484216873
ISBN-13 书号: 9781484216873
Edition 版本: 1st ed.
Publisher Finelybook 出版日期: 2017-09-08
Pages: 86

Book Description
Learn the basic principles of modular design,and then put them into action to create sites that are easy to use,look great,and can be adapted within the context of your business needs.
With author James Cabrera―one of the thought leaders in the modular-design movement―you'll create a single,scalable project for a sample nameplate site and then adapt that same project to work successfully as a portfolio site,an e-commerce site,and finally as a news/publishing content site. Along the way,you'll learn the scientific approach to devising a sound and scalable design strategy,followed by establishing a basic foundation using various criteria relevant to that type of site. As each chapter progresses,you'll add new concepts appropriate for the project type.
Modular web and app design isn't just for so-called "creatives." It's a teachable science with principles that can be replicated in a creative manner. This approach makes the design decision making process for businesses much easier (and easier to live with). And modular design is a powerful tool for software designers to replicate effective successful designs across a spectrum of needs.
What You'll Learn
Examine the design process in a modular way
Adapt your HTML code to create different types of applications
Establish your own modular framework for your specific site's goals
Design for scale
Develop a strong foundation skeleton for design

Who this book is for
User experience designers,user interface designers,information architects,developers with an interest in design,developers who want to create their own design frameworks.
Chapter 1: A Modular Future
Chapter 2: Fonts,Colors,and the Invisible UI
Chapter 3: Defining Your Basic Unit
Chapter 4: Adaptation,Reusability,Variation,and Iteration
Chapter 5: Organization,Clustering,Pages,and Navigation
Chapter 6: What’s Next?
Appendix A: Breaking Down Examples into Modular Systems


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