Learn Active Directory Management in a Month of Lunches

Learn active directory in a month of lunches
Author: Richard Siddaway (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Manning Publications
Edition 版本:‏ 1st
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2014-undefined-Mar.
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 300 pages
ISBN-10: 1617291196
ISBN-13: 9781617291197

Book Description


Active Directory is the heart of a Windows network, providing a centralized location for administration, security, and other core management functions. For example, Active Directory authenticates all users in a Windows network and enforces policies for managing your desktop estate.

Learn Active Directory Management in a Month of Lunches is a practical, hands-on tutorial designed for IT pros new to Active Directory. It skips the theory and concentrates on the day to day administrative tasks needed to keep networks running smoothly. It walks through basic features and shows how to administer AD both from the GUI tools built into Windows and by using PowerShell and the AD cmdlets. It also touches on best practices for managing user access, setting good group policies, and more. Readers will need to set aside just one hour a day for a month―lunchtime would be perfect―to become comfortable and productive with Active Directory.


Lots of well illustrated, clearly-explained examples

Practical and task oriented

Written for and tested by new administrators


This book is for those new to Active Directory administration or for those who find themselves unexpectedly thrust into that roll and need to get a handle on Active Directory quickly.


Active Directory is a directory service created by Microsoft and is the heart of a Windows network, providing a centralized location for administration, security, and other core management functions.

About the Author


Richard Siddaway is an experienced all-around Windows administrator with two decades of experience. He is interested in automation techniques, including automating job creation and submission on mainframes. He has been working with Active Directory since it first appeared and has been speaking and writing about automating the management of AD for a number of years.

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