LangChain: A Hands-On Guide to Modern AI Application Development

LangChain: A Hands-On Guide to Modern AI Application Development
by 作者: Glen Patzlaff (Author)
Publication Date 出版日期: 2023-12-28
Language 语言: English
pages 页数: : 86 pages
ISBN-13 书号: 9798872481751

Book Description

Learn to build sophisticated AI apps with Python's hottest new framework. This hands-on guide takes you from basic chatbots to advanced assistants that can reason about data.

  • Step-by-step projects show you how to create AI-powered apps with LangChain, Streamlit, and Chainlit
  • Master prompt engineering fundamentals to elicit accurate responses from large language models
  • Build conversational agents that can use calculators, Wikipedia, weather data, and custom tools
  • Integrate external APIs to connect your models with real-time data
  • Implement retrieval augmented generation (RAG) for context-aware question answering
  • Deploy your agents as web apps with Streamlit and Chainlit for easy interaction
  • Integration Techniques: Explore how to seamlessly connect with OpenAI's Large Language Models (LLMs) and other AI tools.
  • Advanced Concepts Made Simple: Grasp the intricacies of Prompt Templates, Simple Chains, Sequential Chains, and Agents.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in practical exercises like 'Chat with a Document' and adding memory to chat applications.

Whether you're looking to level up your Python skills or launch a new AI project, this book equips you with the knowledge to unlock the full capabilities of LangChain. Fun examples feature cooking assistants and storytelling bots. Ideal for developers familiar with Python.

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