C++ Without Fear: A Beginner’s Guide That Makes You Feel Smart,3rd Edition

C++ Without Fear: A Beginner’s Guide That Makes You Feel Smart
by 作者: Brian Overland
ISBN-10 书号: 0134314301
ISBN-13 书号: 9780134314303
Edition: 3
Publication Date 出版日期: 2015-12-30
Pages 页数: 618 pages

Book Description
Learning C++ Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult!
Have you ever wanted to learn programming? Have you ever wanted to learn the C++ language behind many of today’s hottest games,business programs,and even advanced spacecraft? C++ Without Fear,Third Edition,is the ideal way to get started. Now updated for the newest C++14 standard and the free Microsoft Visual C++ Community Edition,it will quickly make you productive with C++ even if you’ve never written a line of code!
Brian Overland has earned rave reviews for this book’s approach to teaching C++. He starts with short,simple examples you can easily enter and run. Within a couple of chapters,you’ll be creating useful utilities,playing games,and solving puzzles. Everything’s simplified to its essentials,patiently explained,and clearly illustrated with practical examples and exercises that help you make progress quickly.
Overland reveals the “whys” and “tricks” behind each C++ language feature. And you’ll never get bogged down in complex or pointless examples: He keeps you 100% focused on learning what works and what matters—while having fun!
This new and improved edition
Covers installing and using the free Microsoft Visual C++ Community Edition—but you can use any version of C++
Explains valuable improvements in the new C++14 standard
Modularizes C++14 coverage so it’s easy to write code that works with older versions
Teaches with even more puzzles,games,and relevant exercises
Offers more “why” and “how-to” coverage of object orientation,today’s #1 approach to programming
Presents more ways to use Standard Template Library (STL) code to save time and get more done
Contains an expanded reference section for all your day-to-day programming
Whether you want to learn C++ programming for pleasure or you’re considering a career in programming,this book is an outstanding choice.

We’ ll Have Fun,Fun,Fun..
Why Cand C++?
C++: How to “Think Objects”
Purpose of the Third Edition
Where Do l Begin?
Icons and More Icons
Anything Not Covered?
A Final Note: Have Fun!

About the Author
Chapter 1 Start Using C++
Chapter 2 Decisions,Decisions
Chapter 3 And Even More Decisions!
Chapter 4 The Handy,All-Purpose “for”Statement
Chapter 5 Functions: Many Are Called
Chapter 6 Arrays: All in a Row
Chapter 7 Pointers: Data by Location
Chapter 8 Strings: Analyzing the Text
Chapter 9 Files: Electronic Storage
Chapter 10 Classes and Objects
Chapter 11 Constructors: If You Build It..
Chapter 12 Two Complete OOP Examples
Chapter 13 Easy Programming with STL
Chapter 14 Object-Oriented Monty Hall
Chapter 15 Object-Oriented Poker
Chapter 16 Polymorphic Poker
Chapter 17 New Features of C++14
Chapter 18 Operator Functions: Doing It with Class
Appendix A: Operators
Appendix B: Data Types
Appendix C: Syntax Summary
Appendix D: Preprocessor Directives
Appendix E: ASCll Codes
Appendix F: Standard Library Functions
Appendix G: I/O Stream Objects and Classes
Appendix H: STL Classes and Objects
Appendix l: Glossary of Terms

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