C++ Move Semantics – The Complete Guide

C++ Move Semantics – The Complete Guide: First Edition
by: Nicolai M. Josuttis
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ NicoJosuttis (August 30,2020)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 262 pages
ISBN-10: 3967309002
ISBN-13: 9783967309003

Book Description

All aspects of C++ Move Semantics.
Move semantics,introduced with C++11,has become a hallmark of modern C++ programming. However,it also complicates the language in many ways. Even after several years of support of move semantics experienced programmers struggle with all the details of move semantics. And style guides still don’t recommend the right consequences for programming even of trivial classes. Time to explain all aspects of C++ move semantics in detail.
This book teaches C++ move semantics. Starting from the basic principles it motivates and explains all the corner cases of move semantics so that you as a programmer can use move semantics right. The book is valuable for those that are beginning to learn about move semantics and is essential for those that are using it already.
You will learn:
Motivation and terminology of move semantics
How and why you implicitly benefit from move semantics
How to explicitly benefit from move semantics
All traps and how to deal with them
All consequences for your programming style
The focus lies on the application of the described features in practice. Compelling examples and useful background information help to understand and improve code from trivial classes up to generic foundation libraries and frameworks

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