Artificial intelligence and its Applications

Artificial intelligence and its Applications
by: Ivan Stanimirovic´ and Olivera M. Stanimirovic
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Arcler Press (November 1,2020)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 174 pages
ISBN-10: 1774076888
ISBN-13: 9781774076880

Book Description

The advancement of technology,its uses and how they influence on people have generated a great impact on today’s society. This book intends to expand our knowledge on the subject and better understand the current state of the art in this field. It is something we have to be aware of,since it is increasingly present in our lives. We must understand the new technologies in order to use them correctly and optimize them in the future. The problem that certain jobs can be replaced by machines,generates a change in the way of human thinking and doing,which must adopt these technologies and trained to use them. In this book,the changes to the world caused by the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are investigated. It investigates the impact of the use of artificial intelligence in everyday life,emphasizing technologies such as Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning and Deep Learning. In recent years,advances in these areas have influenced considerably the technology as we know it,are opening doors to new possibilities that once seemed unimaginable.

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