Windows Server 2016 Security,Certificates,and Remote Access Cookbook

Windows Server 2016 Security,Certificates,and Remote Access Cookbook Book Cover
Windows Server 2016 Security,Certificates,and Remote Access Cookbook
by 作者: Jordan Krause
ISBN-10 书号: 1789137675
ISBN-13 书号: 9781789137675
Publication Date 出版日期: 2018-04-27
Pages 页数: 138

Book Description
Windows Server 2016 is an operating system designed to run on today’s highly performant servers,both on-premise and in the cloud. It supports enterprise-level data storage,communications,management,and applications. This book builds off a basic knowledge of the Windows Server operating system,and assists administrators with taking the security of their systems one step further.
You will learn tips for configuring proper networking,especially on multi-homed systems,and tricks for locking down access to your servers.
Then you will move onto one of the hottest security topics of the year – certificates. You will learn how to build your own PKI,or how to better administer one that you already have. You will publish templates,issue certificates,and even configure autoenrollment in your network.
When we say “networking” we don’t only mean inside the LAN. To deal safely with mobile devices,you will learn about the capabilities of Windows Server 2016 for connecting these assets securely back into the corporate network,with information about DirectAccess and VPN.
The material in the book has been selected from the content of Packt’s Windows Server 2016 Cookbook by Jordan Krause to provide a specific focus on these key Windows Server tasks.

What You Will Learn
Implement solid networking and security practices into your Windows Server environment
Design your own PKI and start issuing certificates today
Connect your remote laptops back to the corporate network using Microsoft’s own remote access technologies,including DirectAccess
Learn to use commands that will help you with monitoring network traffic.
Build and explore your first Server Core instance today!
Jordan Krause
Jordan Krause is a six-time Microsoft MVP,currently awarded in the Cloud and Datacenter Management category. He has the unique opportunity to work daily with the Microsoft networking and remote access technologies as a Senior Engineer at IVO Networks. Jordan specializes in Microsoft DirectAccess and Always On VPN. Committed to continuous learning,Jordan holds Microsoft certifications as an MCP,MCTS,MCSA,and MCITP Enterprise Administrator,and regularly writes articles reflecting his experiences with these technologies. Jordan lives and works in beautiful west Michigan (USA).

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