The Secrets of AI: a Math-Free Guide to Thinking Machines

The Secrets of AI: a Math-Free Guide to Thinking Machines Kindle Edition
by Mukesh Borar(Author)
Publication date: February 16, 2023
Language 语言: English
File size: 4737 KB
Print Length 页数: 117 pages

Book Description

AI is undoubtedly the most critical technology that we must understand today. It is affecting everyone’s career, business and profession. However, AI is a complex and mysterious technology. To understand it, we have to climb a mountain of cryptic mathematical concepts and formulas, and success may still be elusive.
‘The Secrets of AI’ addresses this and explains AI in a simple, math-free language. This book sidesteps arcane algorithmic details and presents AI from the important perspectives of – intelligence, engineering, design, learnability, trust and business. It provides deep insights into the symbiotic relationships between data, learning and intelligence.
The book has a strong focus on AI engineering. The AI development lifecycle is illustrated with an exhaustive case study on AI-driven live coverage of sports. It includes domain study, model architecture, feature engineering, model training, deployment and feedback learning. The book describes several design patterns and heuristics that are useful for building successful AI-powered systems.
This book reveals invaluable AI success secrets to the founders, architects, engineers, analysts, and program managers.

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