Technical 5 in 1 Box Set

Technical 5 in 1 Box Set: Book 1: Chromecast + Book 2: Linux for Beginners + Book 3: XML Programming + Book 4: PHP Programming + Book 5: Python Programming by [Brandson,Jack,Will,Steve,Right,Christopher,Page,Barry,James,Norman]
Technical 5 in 1 Box Set
Technical 5 in 1 Box Set: Book 1: Chromecast + Book 2: Linux for Beginners + Book 3: XML Programming + Book 4: PHP Programming + Book 5: Python Programming
by: Barry Page,Christopher Right,Jack Brandson,Norman James,Steve Will
Pages: 496 pages
Edition 版本:‏ 1
Language 语言: English
Released: 2016-07-30
Technical 5 in 1 Box Set: Book 1: Chromecast + Book 2: Linux for Beginners + Book 3: XML Programming + Book 4: PHP Programming + Book 5: Python Programming
Book 1 – Chromecast
Chromecast Easy Guide: Master Your Chromecast Device and Enjoy TV Entertainment With Low-Cost Media Streamer (Chromecast,Chromecast User Guide,Chromecast books,Chromecast Device)
As many may want to put it,the Google chromecast is a tiny but magical device offering so much. Am sure it is in your interest to find out what it is it does exactly and I should assure you will get to know that and much more having gone through the details of this book. Each chapter of it covers vital information when it comes to using or applying the Google Chromecast. Am sure you already know what it is and how it looks like and this is the reason why the book will focus more on other important basics.
Book 2 – Linux for Beginners
The Ultimate Beginner Guide to Linux Command Line,Linux Programming and Linux Operating System
By reading Linux for Beginners,you will discover:
Linux installation
Reading and Navigation Commands
Manipulation and Searching Commands
Shell expansion
Commands and arguments
Control operators
Shell variables
Shell embedding and options
File globbing
Book 3 – XML Programming
The Ultimate Guide to Fast,Easy,and Efficient Learning of XML Programming (Operating system,Projects,XML Programming,DTD’s,HTML5,JavaScript)
This book is structured with the following chapters:
What’s in a Markup language?
Why XML when there is HTML?
Show me the syntax and semantics
Document Type Definition
Get your hands dirty
Interpreting XML – XML Parsers
HTML5 – Why here?
Book 4 – PHP Programming
PHP Crush Course! Learn PHP Programming in 4 hours! PHP for Beginners – Smart and Easy Ways to learn PHP & MySQL
“Learn PHP in 4 Hours!” promises to give you complete introductory knowledge to PHP and MySQL. You will be able to get started on your journey to building awesome dynamic websites that help you achieve your dreams in no time.
This book contains definitions that are straightforward,examples that are short and sweet and explanations that ensure mastery of the basics very quickly.
Book 5 – Python Programming
8 Simple Steps to Learn Python Programming Language in 24 hours! Practical Python Programming for Beginners,Python Commands and Python Language (Python Programming Crush Course)
‘Python Programming Language in 24 hours!’ is the ultimate resource for newbies looking to learn a programming language that is easy to grasp in a very short time compared to other programming languages such as C++,Java and Pascal.
This book is promising to get you on your way to becoming a master of Python in no time. It endows you with the powers of a programmer with a solid foundation of the basics that you can use to create almost anything you want using Python in 24 hours or less.
Book 1 – Chromecast
Book 2 – Linux for Beginners
Book 3 – XML Programming
Book 4 – PHP Programming
Book 5 – Python Programming

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