Training Data for Machine Learning: Human Supervision from Annotation to Data Science
Training Data for Machine Learning: Human Supervision from Annotation to Data Science Author: Anthony Sarkis (Author) Pu...
Training Data for Machine Learning: Human Supervision from Annotation to Data Science Author: Anthony Sarkis (Author) Pu...
The Science of Deep Learning Author: Iddo Drori (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Cambridge University Press Publicati...
The Pro Tools 2023 Post-Audio Cookbook: A holistic approach to post audio workflows like music production, motion pictur...
AI & Data Literacy: Empowering Citizens of Data Science Author: Bill Schmarzo (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: P...
Understanding Large Language Models: Learning Their Underlying Concepts and Technologies Author: Thimira Amaratunga (Aut...
Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python: Unleash the power of Python 3 with practical techniques for learning GIS and r...
ChatGPT Millionaire: Jumpstart the Journey to Your First Million with Artificial Intelligence. The Most Up-to-Date Step-...
iOS 17 Programming for Beginners: Unlock the world of iOS development with Swift 5.9, Xcode 15, and iOS 17 – your path t...
The Fintech Entrepreneur’s Guide: Create Successful Tech Startups with a Robust Tech Stack, Security, Scalability Plan, ...
Collaborative Product Design: Help Any Team Build a Better Experience by: Austin Govella Print Length 页数: 408 pages Publ...