共 2171 篇文章
标签:Machine 第107页

Learning Genetic Algorithms with Python: Empower the performance of Machine Learning and AI models with the capabilities...

Demystifying Artificial intelligence: Simplified AI and Machine Learning concepts for Everyone (English Edition) Author:...

Statistics for Machine Learning: Implement Statistical methods used in Machine Learning using Python (English Edition) A...

VLSI and Hardware Implementations using Modern Machine Learning Methods 1st Edition Author: Sandeep Saini,Kusum Lata,G.R...

Principles and Labs for Deep Learning by: Shih-Chia Huang and Trung-Hieu Le Publisher finelybook 出版社: Academic Press; (...

Developing Cloud Native Applications in Azure using .NET Core: A Practitioner’s Guide to Design,Develop and Deploy Apps ...

Big Data,Big Design: Why Designers Should Care about Artificial Intelligence Author: Helen Armstrong Publisher finelyboo...

Machine Learning for Finance: Principles and practice for financial insiders Authors: Jannes Klaas ISBN-10: 1789136369 I...

Cancer Prediction for Industrial IoT 4.0: A Machine Learning Perspective (Chapman & Hall/CRC Internet of Things) 1s...

Fundamentals of Internet of Things Author: Sudhir Kumar Publisher finelybook 出版社: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (26...