Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer
Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer Author: Faisal Islam (Author) Publisher fi...
Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer Author: Faisal Islam (Author) Publisher fi...
Scalable Android Applications in Kotlin: Write and maintain large Android application code bases (English Edition) Autho...
Effective Kotlin: Best practices, 2nd Edition Author: Marcin Moskała (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: leanpub (2024) ...
Linux: The Comprehensive Guide Author: Michael Kofler (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Rheinwerk Computing Edition 版本...
Scripting: Automation with Bash, PowerShell, and Python Author: Michael Kofler (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社: Rhein...
Kotlin Multiplatform by Tutorials (Second Edition): Build Native Apps Faster by Sharing Code Across Platforms Author: Ko...
Building Kotlin Applications: A comprehensive guide for Android, Web, and Server-Side Development (English Edition) Auth...
Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose: Bring declarative and native UI to life quickly and easily on Android using...
Time Series Indexing: Implement iSAX in Python to index time series with confidence by Mihalis Tsoukalos(Author)Publishe...
Programming Kotlin by: Stephen Samuel – Stefan Bocutiu ISBN-10: 1787126366 ISBN-13: 9781787126367 Released: 2017-0...