Learn PowerShell Core 6.0: Automate and control administrative tasks using DevOps principles
Learn PowerShell Core 6.0: Automate and control administrative tasks using DevOps principles by: David das Neves –...
Learn PowerShell Core 6.0: Automate and control administrative tasks using DevOps principles by: David das Neves –...
Statistical Machine Learning: A Unified Framework (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) by: Richard Gol...
End-to-end Data Analytics for Product Development: A Practical Guide for Fast Consumer Goods Companies,Chemical Industry...
Beginning C: From Beginner to Pro by: German Gonzalez-Morris and Ivor Horton Print Length 页数: 704 pages ISBN-10: 1484259...
Active Directory Administration Cookbook: Actionable,proven solutions to identity management and authentication on serve...
Software Defined Access (Networking Technology) 12 Aug. 2020 by: Srilatha Vemula ,Jason Gooley ,Roddie Hasan Print Lengt...
Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook: Practical recipes for building cross-platform GUI applications,widgets,and animations ...
Mastering Distributed Tracing: Analyzing performance in microservices and complex systems By (author) Yuri Shkuro Lang...
The Data Analysis Workshop: Solve business problems with state-of-the-art data analysis models,developing expert data an...
Mining Social Media: Finding Stories in Internet Data Authors: Lam Thuy Vo ISBN-10: 1593279167 ISBN-13: 9781593279165 Re...