Security Challenges with Blockchain: Navigate Blockchain Security Challenges, Unveil Vulnerabilities, and Gain Practical Strategies for Secure Application Development

Security Challenges with Blockchain: Navigate Blockchain Security Challenges, Unveil Vulnerabilities, and Gain Practical Strategies for Secure Application Development (English Edition)
Author: Chintan Dave (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Orange Education Pvt Ltd
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-04-15
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 242 pages
ISBN-10: 8196862083
ISBN-13: 9788196862084

Book Description

Securing the Chain: Navigating the Future of Blockchain with Confidence

Book Description

In “
Security Challenges with Blockchain”, readers embark on a critical journey through the evolving landscape of blockchain security. This essential guide illuminates the intricate security challenges posed by blockchain technology’s decentralized nature, providing a comprehensive overview of the potential vulnerabilities, privacy concerns, and trust issues that professionals across industries may encounter.
Through concise, expertly curated content, the book equips developers, IT professionals, and blockchain enthusiasts with the knowledge and strategies necessary to build and maintain secure blockchain applications. It demystifies complex security concepts, offering actionable insights and best practices for safeguarding digital assets against emerging threats and ensuring the integrity of blockchain systems.
The book extends its purview to critical domains where blockchain intersects with cybersecurity such as Supply Chain Management and Identity Management. Drawing from real-world case studies and expert insights, this book empowers organizations to fortify their defenses and embrace the promise of blockchain technology with confidence.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Blockchain Technology
2. Understanding Blockchain Security
3. Security Challenges in Public Blockchains
4. Security Challenges in Private Blockchains
5. Security Challenges in Consortia Blockchains
6. Security Challenges in Decentralized Finance
7. Security Challenges in Supply Chain Management
8. Security Challenges in Identity Management
9. Best Practices for Blockchain Security
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