Python Mini Reference: A Quick Guide to the Modern Python Programming Language for Busy Coders

Python Mini Reference: A Quick Guide to the Modern Python Programming Language for Busy Coders (A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Modern Programming Languages)
October 13, 2022
by Harry Yoon
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Independently published (October 13, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 203 pages
ISBN-13 书号: 9798357823236

Book Description
Learn Python in a Weekend!
This book is an (informal) language reference on the Python programming language. Python is one of the most widely used languages in many different application areas. We go through all essential features of the modern Python programming language, including the match statement (3.10) and exception groups (3.11).
Although the book is written as a reference, you can read it more or less from beginning to end and you should be able to get the overall picture of the Python language if you have some prior experience with programming in Python.
The book covers
Python program top-level components.
Python package/module import system.
Builtin type hierarchy. Data model.
List, map, tuple literals.
Expressions. Simple and compound statements.
Function, class definitions.
Object oriented programming in Python.
Structural pattern matching.
Coroutines, async/await.
Order your copy today and learn all about Python this weekend!: )

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