Perspectives and Considerations on the Evolution of Smart Systems

Perspectives and Considerations on the Evolution of Smart Systems
Author: Maki K. Habib (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Engineering Science Reference
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2023-08-01
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 419 pages
ISBN-10: 1668476843
ISBN-13: 9781668476840

Book Description

Smart systems are rapidly evolving and finding ways to influence different aspects of human life, industry, and the environment. Smart systems based on available data should have the ability to predict and be adaptive, which leads to performing reliable, smart actions. Smartness and learning capabilities are essential characteristics describing smart systems besides connectivity and digital virtual cloudification technologies. Perspectives and Considerations on the Evolution of Smart Systems discusses the latest edge development that informs and facilitates the next level of development. It highlights how the evolving technologies and techniques are going to impact the developments in the field considering climate, environment, circular economy, and ecosystems. Covering topics such as dynamic difficulty adjustment, intelligent control, and serious games, this premier reference source is an excellent resource for engineers, computer scientists, IT professionals, developers, data analysts, students and educators of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians. Amazon page

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