Network Programming with Go: Learn to Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch

Network Programming with Go: Learn to Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch
by Adam Woodbeck
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: No Starch Press (1 April 2021)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 396 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1718500882
ISBN-13 书号: 9781718500884

Book Description
Network Programming with Go teaches you how to write clean,secure network software with the programming language designed to make it seem easy.
Go combines the best parts of many other programming languages. It’s fast,scalable,and designed for high-performance networking and multiprocessing—in other words,it’s perfect for network programming.
Network Programming with Go is for developers ready to start leveraging Go’s ease of use for writing secure,readable,production-ready network code. Early chapters establish a foundation of networking and traffic-routing know-how upon which the rest of the book builds. You’ll put that knowledge to use as author Adam Woodbeck guides you through writing programs that communicate using TCP,UDP,Unix sockets,and other features that ensure reliable data transmission. As you progress,you’ll explore higher-level network protocols like HTTP and HTTP/2,then build applications that securely interact with servers,clients,and APIs over a network using TLS.
In addition,Woodbeck shows you how to create a simple messaging protocol,develop tools for monitoring network traffic,craft a custom web server,and implement best practices for interacting with cloud providers using their SDKs. Along the way,you’ll learn:
IP basics for writing effective network programs,such as IPv4 and IPv6 multicasting,ports,and network address translation
How to use handlers,middleware,and multiplexers to build capable HTTP-based applications with minimal code
The OSI and TCP/IP models for layered data architectures
Methods for reading data from/writing data to a network connection,like the type-length-value encoding scheme
Tools for incorporating authentication and encryption into your applications using TLS,like mutual authentication
How to serialize data for storage or transmission in Go-friendly formats like JSON,Gob,XML,and protocol buffers
How to Leverage Go’s code generation support to efficiently communicate with gRPC-based network services
So get ready to take advantage of Go’s built-in concurrency,rapid compiling,and rich standard library. Because when it comes to writing robust network programs,it’s Go time.

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