Make: Calculus: Build models to learn, visualize, and explore

Make: Calculus: Build models to learn, visualize, and explore
by 作者: Joan Horvath (Author), Rich Cameron (Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Make Community, LLC
Edition 版本: 1st
Publication Date 出版日期: 2022-09-13
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 327 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 168045739X
ISBN-13 书号: 9781680457391

Book Description
When Isaac Newton developed calculus in the 1600s, he was trying to tie together math and physics in an intuitive, geometrical way. But over time math and physics teaching became heavily weighted toward algebra, and less toward geometrical problem solving. However, many practicing mathematicians and physicists will get their intuition geometrically first and do the algebra later.

Make:Calculus imagines how Newton might have used 3D printed models, construction toys, programming, craft materials, and an Arduino or two to teach calculus concepts in an intuitive way. The book uses as little reliance on algebra as possible while still retaining enough to allow comparison with a traditional curriculum.

This book is not a traditional Calculus I textbook. Rather, it will take the reader on a tour of key concepts in calculus that lend themselves to hands-on projects. This book also defines terms and common symbols for them so that self-learners can learn more on their own.

About the Author

Joan Horvath is an MIT alumna, a recovering rocket scientist, and educator. She is a cofounder of Nonscriptum LLC.

Rich Cameron is an open-source 3D printer hacker who designed the RepRapWallace and Bukito printers. He is a cofounder of Nonscriptum LLC.

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