Handbook of Research on Cybersecurity Risk in Contemporary Business Systems

Handbook of Research on Cybersecurity Risk in Contemporary Business Systems
Author: Festus Fatai Adedoyin (Editor), Bryan Christiansen (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ IGI Global
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2023-undefined-May
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 476 pages
ISBN-10: 1668472074
ISBN-13: 9781668472071

Book Description

The field of cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important due to the continuously expanding reliance on computer systems, the internet, wireless network standards such as Bluetooth and wi-fi, and the growth of “smart” devices, including smartphones, televisions, and the various devices that constitute the internet of things (IoT). Cybersecurity is also one of the significant challenges in the contemporary world, due to its complexity, both in terms of political usage and technology. The Handbook of Research on Cybersecurity Risk in Contemporary Business Systems examines current risks involved in the cybersecurity of various business systems today from a global perspective and investigates critical business systems. Covering key topics such as artificial intelligence, hacking, and software, this reference work is ideal for computer scientists, industry professionals, policymakers, researchers, academicians, scholars, instructors, and students.

About the Author

Bryan Christiansen is an Adjunct Professor in the Business Department of Southern New Hampshire University. Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, Christiansen is a 20-year veteran of the management consulting industry working in multiple industries around the world. Fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish, he has given guest lectures at universities on three continents on business, cultural studies, economics, marketing, project management, and psychology. Christiansen has published 36 Reference books on these topics that are mostly Scopus- and/or Web of Science-indexed.

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