Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design

Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design (Voices That Matter)
by: Ernest Adams – Joris Dormans
ISBN-10: 0321820274
ISBN-13: 9780321820273
Edition 版本:‏ 1
Released: 2012-06-25
Pages: 360

Book Description

This in-depth resource teaches you to craft mechanics that generate challenging,enjoyable,and well-balanced gameplay. You’ll discover at what stages to prototype,test,and implement mechanics in games and learn how to visualize and simulate game mechanics in order to design better games. Along the way,you’ll practice what you’ve learned with hands-on lessons. A free downloadable simulation tool developed by Joris Dormans is also available in order to follow along with exercises in the book in an easy-to-use graphical environment.
In Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design,you’ll learn how to:
Design and balance game mechanics to create emergent gameplay before you write a single line of code.
Visualize the internal economy so that you can immediately see what goes on in a complex game.
Use novel prototyping techniques that let you simulate games and collect vast quantities of gameplay data on the first day of development.
Apply design patterns for game mechanics—from a library in this book—to improve your game designs.
Explore the delicate balance between game mechanics and level design to create compelling,long-lasting game experiences.
Replace fixed,scripted events in your game with dynamic progression systems to give your players a new experience every time they play.
Game Mechanics Advanced Game Design 9780321820273.pdf

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