Excel’s Not Dead: A new way of working with Excel spreadsheets

Excel's Not Dead

Excel‘s Not Dead

Author: William McBurnie (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎ Grosvenor House Publishing Limited

Edition 版本:‏ N/A

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-11-21

Language 语言: English

Print Length 页数: 116 pages

ISBN-10: 1803819766

ISBN-13: 9781803819761

Book Description

A new way of working with Excel spreadsheets never seen before that will transform how we work with Excel now and in the future. A game changing system of data manipulation based on a single discovery.

This book will take you step by step from the discovery and it’s simple application through to how to apply it to create fully dynamic dashboards. The things that you could previously only do with Pivot Tables are now available to everyone from Excel beginners to professionals. A comprehensive Excel toolkit to ensure you have all the tools you need to tackle all the exercises and complete your journey.

I hear too often from IT professionals that “Excel is Dead” but every day I see It becoming more and more essential in every work environment from single person start ups to large corporations. This book will show that not only is excel not dead, with the system I will teach you it’s getting stronger and stronger.

About the Author

William McBurnie is a Data Analyst with 30 years experience in the finance industry who too often heard “It can’t be done”, well now it can. Excel is far from dead.

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