Domain-Specific Application Frameworks: Frameworks Experience by Industry

Domain-Specific Application Frameworks: Frameworks Experience by Industry
by Mohamed E. Fayad (Editor), Ralph E. Johnson (Editor)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Wiley (October 18, 1999)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 704 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 0471332801
ISBN-13 书号: 9780471332800

Book Description
Object Technology An invaluable collection of domain-specific frameworks Domain-Specific Application Frameworks Frameworks provide generic software architectures that can be reused, indefinitely, to generate new applications. But they don’t readily translate from one business or industry domain to another. A telecommunications framework looks very different from a currency trading framework, for instance. Developers need instruction on how to build frameworks specific to the domains for which they program. Now, this book/CD-ROM package gives developers models-and much more. Each chapter is built around a case study reporting a major framework implementation or customization project. The 30 examples contained in the book cover an array of application domains, including:
* Flexible manufacturing architectures
* Computer-integrated manufacturing
* New generation control systems
* Concurrent engineering
* Reliable distributed computing
* High-performance Web servers
* Multimedia telecommunications
* Networking and telecommunications
* Industrial visualization
* And many others
The enclosed CD-ROM gives you:
* Example frameworks
* Documentation and manuals
* Framework code and implementation tips
* Sample framework architectures and models
* Design patterns and presentations
* Animated demonstrations

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