Docker: Practical Guide for Developers and Devops Teams

Docker: Practical Guide for Developers and Devops Teams
January 25, 2023
by Bernd Oggl(Author), Michael Kofler(Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Rheinwerk Computing; First edition (January 25, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 496 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1493223836
ISBN-13 书号: 9781493223831

Book Description
Learn the ins and outs of containerization in Docker with this practical guide! Begin by installing and setting up the platform. Then master the basics: get to know important terminology, understand how to run containers, and set up port redirecting and communication. You’ll learn to create custom images, work with commands, and use key containerization tools. Gain essential skills by following exercises that cover common tasks from packaging new applications and modernizing existing applications to handling security and operations.
Get hands-on practice with Docker, from setup to orchestration
Work with Dockerfiles, the docker compose command, GitLab, and Docker Hub
Learn about project migration, security, Kubernetes, and more
Consult and download practical code examples

Install Docker on Windows, macOS, or Linux. Then master the basic principles of working with the Docker platform: What are images? How do containers communicate with each other? Where do containers store data? You’ll get to know Dockerfile syntax, learn to upload images, work with the docker compose command, and much more.
Build containers with essential tools, including Alpine Linux; Apache and Ngnix web servers; MySQL/MariaDB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and Redis database servers; JavaScript, Java, and Python programming languages; and web applications such as WordPress and Joomla.
Hands-on Exercises
Develop modern web applications and transform existing projects with Docker by following step-by-step exercises. Use GitLab, Swarm, and Kubernetes to take your Docker projects to the next level. Round out your knowledge by configuring basic security mechanisms and setting up CI/CD pipelines.

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