Design Recipes for FPGAs Using Verilog and VHDL 2nd Edition

Design Recipes for FPGAs: Using Verilog and VHDL
Author: Peter Wilson (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Newnes
Edition 版本:‏ 2nd
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2015-10-09
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 392 pages
ISBN-10: 0080971296
ISBN-13: 9780080971292

Book Description

Design Recipes for FPGAs provides a rich toolbox of design techniques and templates to solve practical, every-day problems using FPGAs. Using a modular structure, it provides design techniques and templates at all levels, together with functional code, which you can easily match and apply to your application. Written in an informal and easy to grasp style, this invaluable resource goes beyond the principles of FPGAs and hardware description languages to demonstrate how specific designs can be synthesized, simulated and downloaded onto an FPGA. In addition, the book provides advanced techniques to create ‘real world’ designs that fit the device required and which are fast and reliable to implement.

  • Examples are rewritten and tested in Verilog and VHDL
  • Describes high-level applications as examples and provides the building blocks to implement them, enabling the student to start practical work straight away
  • Singles out the most important parts of the language that are needed for design, giving the student the information needed to get up and running quickly


“…a great book for someone wanting to learn HDL design as the examples are crystal-clear, and it can be hard to find real-world HDL examples on the ‘net. The chapter on a CPU design alone will teach one a lot about coding for FPGAs.” —

“Design Recipes for FPGAs is an excellent volume for engineers who work with FPGAs either regularly or occasionally… the book provides a handy shelf reference with examples for many useful functional blocks, ranging from relatively small illustrative syntactic and structural examples to more complex concepts. Whether you work in VHDL occasionally or every day, you’ll find practical help in this book.” –Lewin Edwards, Design Engineer and Technical Author


A rich toolbox of practical FPGA design techniques and templates that will enable you to solve practical problems using FPGAs – now updated with examples in Verilog

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