Data Visualization for Social and Policy Research: A Step-by-Step Approach Using R and Python

Data Visualization for Social and Policy Research
Author: Jose Manuel Magallanes Reyes
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Cambridge University Press; New edition (April 7, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 292 pages
ISBN-10: 1108714382
ISBN-13: 9781108714389

Book Description

All social and policy researchers need to synthesize data into a visual representation. Producing good visualizations combines creativity and technique. This book teaches the techniques and basics to produce a variety of visualizations, allowing readers to communicate data and analyses in a creative and effective way. Visuals for tables, time series, maps, text, and networks are carefully explained and organized, showing how to choose the right plot for the type of data being analysed and displayed. Examples are drawn from public policy, public safety, education, political tweets, and public health. The presentation proceeds step Author: step, starting from the basics, in the programming languages R and Python so that readers learn the coding skills while simultaneously becoming familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of each visualization. No prior knowledge of either Python or R is required. Code for all the visualizations are available from the book’s website.
Data Visualization for Social and Policy Research 9781108714389.rar

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