Dart Apprentice: Beginning Programming with Dart

Dart Apprentice (First Edition): Beginning Programming with Dart
by: raywenderlich Tutorial Team ,Jonathan Sande ,Matt Galloway
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Bowker (April 29,2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 295 pages
ISBN-10: 1950325326
ISBN-13: 9781950325320

Book Description

Make Dart Your Programming Language of Choice
There are many programming languages you can start learning today. But not many are as modern,easy to learn,object-oriented and scalable as Dart. Plus,combined with Flutter,Dart allows you to build native iOS,Android,web and desktop applications with a single code base.
Dart Apprentice will teach you all the basic concepts you need to master this language. Follow along with the clearly and thoroughly explained concepts and you’ll be building Dart applications in a breeze.
Who This Book Is For
Dart Apprentice is aimed at anyone interested in learning this new and modern programming language. If you’re a beginner and want to start programming,this is great place to start. If you’re an experienced programmer interested in learning Dart,here you’ll find all the concepts you need to know. In either case,following along with this book,you’ll be comfortable writing your own Dart programs in less time than you think.
Topics covered in Dart Apprentice
Expressions,Variables and Constants: The building blocks of the language
Types and Operations: Static vs. dynamic typing,inference and strings
Control Flow: Booleans,enums,switches,if statements and loops
Functions: Named and anonymous functions,parameters and arrow syntax
Classes: Objects,constructors,methods and properties
Nullability: Null and how to handle it
Collections: Lists,sets and maps
Advanced classes: Inheritance,abstract classes,interfaces and mixins
Asynchronous Programming: Concurrency,futures,streams and isolates
One thing you can count on: after reading this book,you’ll be prepared to build your own applications using Dart

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