Computer and Information Security Handbook
Author: by John R. Vacca (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Morgan Kaufmann
Edition 版次: 4th
Publication Date 出版日期: 2024-09-16
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 1968 pages
ISBN-10: 0443132232
ISBN-13: 9780443132230
Book Description
Computer and Information Security Handbook, Fourth Edition offers deep coverage of an extremely wide range of issues in computer and cybersecurity theory, along with applications and best practices, offering the latest insights into established and emerging technologies and advancements. With new parts devoted to such current topics as Cyber Security for the Smart City and Smart Homes, Cyber Security of Connected and Automated Vehicles, and Future Cyber Security Trends and Directions, the book now has 115 chapters written by leading experts in their fields, as well as 8 updated appendices and an expanded glossary.
Chapters new to this edition include such timely topics as Threat Landscape and Good Practices for Internet Infrastructure, Cyber Attacks Against the Grid Infrastructure, Threat Landscape and Good Practices for the Smart Grid Infrastructure, Energy Infrastructure Cyber Security, Smart Cities Cyber Security Concerns, Community Preparedness Action Groups for Smart City Cyber Security, Smart City Disaster Preparedness and Resilience, Cyber Security in Smart Homes, Threat Landscape and Good Practices for Smart Homes and Converged Media, Future Trends for Cyber Security for Smart Cities and Smart Homes, Cyber Attacks and Defenses on Intelligent Connected Vehicles, Cyber Security Issues in VANETs, Use of AI in Cyber Security, New Cyber Security Vulnerabilities and Trends Facing Aerospace and Defense Systems, and much more.
- Written by leaders in the field
- Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the latest security technologies, issues, and best practices
- Presents methods for analysis, along with problem-solving techniques for implementing practical solutions