Computational Calculus: A Numerical Companion to Elementary Calculus

Computational Calculus: A Numerical Companion to Elementary Calculus (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)
by 作者: William C. Bauldry (Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Springer
Edition 版本: 2023rd
Publication Date 出版日期: 2023-06-22
Language 语言: English
pages 页数: : 119 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 3031296575
ISBN-13 书号: 9783031296574

Book Description
This book offers readers the methods that are necessary to apply the power of calculus to analyze real problems. While most calculus textbooks focus on formula-based calculus, this book explains how to do the analysis of calculus, rates of change, and accumulation from data. The author’s introductory approach prepares students with the techniques to handle numerically-based problems in more advanced classes or in real-world applications. This self-contained book uses the computer algebra system Maple for computation, and the material is easily adaptable for calculators or other computer algebra systems. The author includes historical context and example exercises throughout the book in order to provide readers with a thorough understanding of the topic.
This book:

  • Prepares students with the techniques to handle numerically-based problems in in real-world applications
  • Provides historical context and example exercises to give a thorough understanding of the topic
  • Utilizes Maple for computation and is adaptable for calculators or other computer algebra systems

From the Back Cover

This book offers readers the methods that are necessary to apply the power of calculus to analyze real problems. While most calculus textbooks focus on formula-based calculus, this book explains how to do the analysis of calculus, rates of change, and accumulation from data. The author’s introductory approach prepares students with the techniques to handle numerically-based problems in more advanced classes or in real-world applications. This self-contained book uses the computer algebra system Maple for computation, and the material is easily adaptable for calculators or other computer algebra systems. The author includes historical context and example exercises throughout the book in order to provide readers with a thorough understanding of the topic.
This book:

  • Prepares students with the techniques to handle numerically-based problems in in real-world applications
  • Provides historical context and example exercises to give a thoroughunderstanding of the topic
  • Utilizes Maple for computation and is adaptable for calculators or other computer algebra systems

About the Author

William Bauldry, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Appalachian State University. He previously served two terms as the department chair before retiring in 2017. Dr. Bauldry earned his Ph.D. in Approximation Theory from Ohio State He has written and coauthored over 55 publications including seven textbooks, and given over 155 invited and contributed presentations. Dr. Bauldry has been PI or co-PI on 7 funded NSF projects. Most recently, he served as Associate Director of COMAP’s Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) from 2016 to 2022.

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