Building Micro Frontends with React 18: Develop and deploy scalable applications using micro frontend strategies

Building Micro Frontends with React 18: Develop and deploy scalable applications using micro frontend strategies
by 作者: Vinci J Rufus (Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: ‎Packt Publishing (October 20, 2023)
Language 语言: ‎English
pages 页数: ‎218 pages
ISBN-10 书号: ‎1804610968
ISBN-13 书号: ‎9781804610961

Book Description
Become a full life cycle developer by not only learning how to build micro frontends but also deploying and managing them efficiently in a cloud-native environment

Key Features
Go through strategies for building and deploying production-grade micro frontends on the cloud
Explore the right choice and guiding principles to build different micro frontend patterns
Learn how to use React the right way to build and deploy micro frontends with this step-by-step guide
Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook

Book Description
Although deservedly popular and highly performant tools for building modern web applications, React and single-page applications (SPAs) become more and more sluggish as your applications and teams grow. To solve this problem, many large web apps have started to break down monolith SPAs into independently deployable smaller apps and components—a pattern called micro frontends. But micro frontends aren't a perfect solution, but rather a double-edged sword. This book teaches you how to architect and build them with the right principles to reap all the benefits without the pitfalls.
This book will take you through two patterns of building micro frontends, the multi-SPA pattern and the micro apps pattern. You’ll find out which patterns to use and when, as well as take a look at the nuances of deploying these micro frontends using cloud-native technologies such as Kubernetes and Firebase. With the help of this book, you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of state management, solving problems with routing, and deployment strategies between the different micro frontends.
By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to design and build a React-based micro frontend application using module federation and deploy it to the cloud efficiently.

What you will learn
Discover two primary patterns for building micro frontends
Explore how to set up monorepos for efficient team collaboration
Deal with complexities such as routing and sharing state between different micro frontends
Understand how module federation works and use it to build micro frontends
Find out how to deploy micro frontends to cloud platforms
Figure out how to build the right development experience for teams

Who this book is for
This book is for intermediate- to advanced-level developers with a working knowledge of React and web application development with JavaScript and TypeScript. Knowledge of concepts like client-side and server-side rendering, React, NodeJS, Webpack, and the basics of Kubernetes and serverless computing is desirable, but not necessary.
Table of Contents
1. Introcucing Ivlicrotrontencs
2. Key Principles and Components of lvlicrotrontends
3. [vlonorepos vs Polyrepos for [vlicrofrontends
4. Implementing the vlulti-SPA Pattern for [vlicrofrontends
5. Implementing the Ivlicro-Apps Pattern for [vlicrofrontends
6. Senver-Rencered Tvlicrofrontends
7. Deploying Mlicrofrontends to Static Storage
8. Deploying Ivlicrofrontends to Kubernetes
9. Mlanaging Mlicrofrontends in Production
1o. Common Pitf alls to avoid when Building vlicrofrontends
11. Latest Trencs in [vlicrofrontends

About the Author
Vinci Rufus is a VP for technology at Publicis Sapient. He has spent over 25 years building web applications using various technologies. He has been focused on building micro frontends for about half a decade and has successfully built and managed micro frontend-based applications for a few large clients. He was formerly a google Developer Expert and has had the opportunity to speak at numerous conferences on modern frontend and cloud-native technologies. Amazon page

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