Building CI/CD Systems Using Tekton: Develop flexible and powerful CI/CD pipelines using Tekton Pipelines and Triggers

Building CI/CD Systems Using Tekton: Develop flexible and powerful CI/CD pipelines using Tekton Pipelines and Triggers
by 作者: Joel Lord
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Packt Publishing (September 17,2021)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 278 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1801078211
ISBN-13 书号: 9781801078214

Book Description
Automate the delivery of applications using Tekton Pipelines and Triggers to deploy new releases quickly and more efficiently

Key Features
Learn how to create powerful pipelines using CI/CD tools
Understand how to run,deploy and test applications directly in a cloud-native environment
Explore the new Tekton Pipelines 2021 features
Tekton is a powerful yet flexible Kubernetes-native open source framework for creating continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) systems. It enables you to build,test,and deploy across multiple cloud providers or on-premise systems.
Building CI/CD Systems Using Tekton covers everything you need to know to start building your pipeline and automating application delivery in a cloud-native environment. Using a hands-on approach,you will learn about the basic building blocks,such as tasks,pipelines,and workspaces,which you can use to compose your CI/CD pipelines. As you progress,you will understand how to use these Tekton objects in conjunction with Tekton Triggers to automate the delivery of your application in a Kubernetes cluster.
by 作者: the end of this book,you will have learned how to compose Tekton Pipelines and use them with Tekton Triggers to build powerful CI/CD systems.

What you will learn
Understand the basic principles behind CI/CD
Explore what tasks are and how they can be made reusable and flexible
Focus on how to use Tekton objects to compose a robust pipeline
Share data across a pipeline using volumes and workspaces
Discover more advanced topics such as WhenExpressions and Secrets to build complex pipelines
Understand what Tekton Triggers are and how they can be used to automate CI/CD pipelines
Build a full CI/CD pipeline that automatically deploys an application to a Kubernetes cluster when an update is done to a code repository

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