Android Accessibility by Tutorials: Make Your Apps Accessible for All Audiences, 2nd Edition

Android Accessibility by Tutorials (Second Edition): Make Your Apps Accessible for All Audiences
October 11, 2022
by raywenderlich Tutorial Team(Author), Victoria Gonda(Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Razeware LLC (October 11, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 227 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 195032575X
ISBN-13 书号: 9781950325757

Book Description
Learn Android Accessibility!
Accessibility is an important, often overlooked, part of building a quality app. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) can be confusing and it’s often unclear how to apply these guidelines to Android.
That’s where Android Accessibility by Tutorials comes in! In this book, you’ll learn about building accessible apps on Android using WCAG through hands-on, step-by-step tutorials.
Who This Book Is For
This book is for intermediate Android developers who already know the basics of Android and Kotlin development and want to learn about accessibility.
Topics Covered in Android Accessibility by Tutorials
Importance of accessibility: Learn why accessibility is important and how you can use it to improve product quality.
Getting your team on board: Gain insight into how you can get buy-in from your team to make accessibility a priority.
Testing for accessibility: Practice using the tools you need to uncover areas for accessibility improvement.
WCAG: Explore the guidelines used when enforcing accessibility laws.
Android’s accessibility: Become familiar with the Android APIs that cater to accessibility.
Custom views: Understand how to integrate with accessibility services when building a custom view.
One thing you can count on: after reading this book, you’ll be prepared to improve your own apps by making them more accessible.

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