Analytics and Big Data for Accountants (AICPA)

Analytics and Big Data for Accountants (AICPA)9781119512332

Analytics and Big Data for Accountants (AICPA)
by 作者: Jim Lindell
ISBN-10 书号: 1119512336
ISBN-13 书号: 9781119512332
Edition 版本: 1
Publication Date 出版日期: 2018-05-08
Pages 页数: 208

Analytics is the new force driving business. Tools have been created to measure program impacts and ROI,visualize data and business processes,and uncover the relationship between key performance indicators,many using the unprecedented amount of data now flowing into organizations. Featuring updated examples and surveys,this dynamic book covers leading-edge topics in analytics and finance. It is packed with useful tips and practical guidance you can apply immediately.
This book prepares accountants to:
Deal with major trends in predictive analytics,optimization,correlation of metrics,and big data.
Interpret and manage new trends in analytics techniques affecting your organization.
Use new tools for data analytics.
Critically interpret analytics reports and advise decision makers.
Chapter 1
Practice Questions.
Chapter 2…
Big Data History-Big Data Sources and Characteristic…
Practice Questions…
Chapter 3.
What Are the Trends in Big Data ?…
Practice Questions.…
Chapter 4.
What Are the Strategy and Business Applications of Big Data ?.
Practice Question…
Chapter 5…
Big Data Platforms and Operating Tools.
Practice Questions…
Chapter 6…
Big Data End User and Accounting Tools …
Practice Questions.
Chapter 7
Examples of Big Data.…
Practice Questions.
Chapter 8.
Big Data in the Accounting Department.
Practice Question.
Chapter 9
Ethics and Privacy With Big Data.…
Practice Question

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