Industrial and Commercial Power System Analysis Fundamentals and Practice
Industrial and Commercial Power System Analysis Fundamentals and Practice Author:by J. J. Dai (Author) Publisher finelyb...
Industrial and Commercial Power System Analysis Fundamentals and Practice Author:by J. J. Dai (Author) Publisher finelyb...
Massive MIMO for Future Wireless Communication Systems: Technology and Applications Author:by Webert Montlouis (Editor),...
Methods of Developing Sliding Mode Controllers: Design and Matlab Simulation (IEEE Press Series on Control Systems Theor...
Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Segmentation: Overview, Approaches, and Challenges Author:by Sajid Yousuf Bh...
Problem Solving Approaches for Maintaining Operational Excellence in Process Plants Author:by Joseph M. Bonem (Author), ...
Applied Satisfiability: Cryptography, Scheduling, and Coalitional Games Author:by Xiaojuan Liao (Author), Miyuki Koshimu...
AI in Disease Detection: Advancements and Applications Author:by Rajesh Singh (Editor), Anita Gehlot (Editor), Navjot Ra...
Nanoscale Computing: The Journey Beyond CMOS with Nanomagnetic Logic Author:by Santhosh Sivasubramani (Author) Publisher...
Reinforcement Learning for Cyber Operations: Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Penetration Testing Author:by A...
Sensor Fusion Approaches for Positioning, Navigation, and Mapping: How Autonomous Vehicles and Robots Navigate in the Re...