Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 4: A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 4: A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing Volume 4 Edition by Frank ...
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 4: A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing Volume 4 Edition by Frank ...
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 3: Patterns for Resource Management Volume 3 Edition by Michael Kircher,Pr...
Pattern Oriented Software Architecture Volume 5: On Patterns and Pattern Languages 1st Edition by Frank Buschmann,Kevin ...
Cybersecurity in Intelligent Networking Systems (IEEE Press) 1st Edition by Shengjie Xu,Yi Qian,Rose Qingyang Hu(Author)...
Deep Learning Approaches for Security Threats in IoT Environments 1st Edition by Mohamed Abdel-Basset,Nour Moustafa,Hoss...
Software-Defined Networking 2: Extending SDN Control to Large-Scale Networks 1st Edition by Fetia Bannour,Sami Souihi,Ab...
Artificial Intelligence-based Smart Power Systems 1st Edition by Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban,Sivaraman Palanisamy,Sharmeela...
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning: From Data to Continuous Actions with a Python-based Toolbox (IEEE Press Series on Co...
Advanced Testing of Systems-of-Systems, Volume 1: Theoretical Aspects 1st Edition by Bernard Homes(Author) Publisher fin...
Machine Learning Algorithms for Signal and Image Processing 1st Edition by Suman Lata Tripathi, Deepika Ghai, Sobhit Sax...