Quantum Image Processing in Practice: A Mathematical Toolbox
Quantum Image Processing in Practice: A Mathematical Toolbox Author:by Artyom M. Grigoryan (Author), Sos S. Agaian (Auth...
Quantum Image Processing in Practice: A Mathematical Toolbox Author:by Artyom M. Grigoryan (Author), Sos S. Agaian (Auth...
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Applications (Industry 5.0 Transformation Applications) Author: R. Nidh...
Machine Learning and AI with Simple Python and Matlab Scripts: Courseware for Non-computing Majors (IEEE Press) Author:b...
RF and Microwave Engineering: Fundamentals of Wireless Communications Author:by Frank Gustrau (Author) Publisher finelyb...
Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis: An Object Oriented Approach Using C++ (The Wiley Finance Series) Author:by Paul Darby...
Embedded Cryptography 3 (ISTE Invoiced) Author:by Emmanuel Prouff (Author), Guenael Renault (Author), Mattieu Rivain (Au...
Statistical Thinking: Improving Business Performance,, 3rd Edition (Wiley and SAS Business Series) Author:by Roger W. Ho...
Statistical Methods for Reliability Data (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) Author:by William Q. Meeker (Autho...
File System Forensics Author:by Fergus Toolan (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社:Wiley Edition 版本:1st edition Publicati...
IoT for Smart Grid: Revolutionizing Electrical Engineering Author:by Rahiman Zahira (Editor), Palanisamy Sivaraman (Edit...