Vue Tips Collection

Vue Tips Collection
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ 2022
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 185 pages

Book Description

Vue Tips Collection
Master Vue in only 5 minutes a day
You’ll learn:
The one directive that gives you fine-grained control over how your template re-renders — this can have a massive impact on app performance
How you can master computed props in 5 minutes Author: using Side Effect Surgery
Discover which of the 6 UI states you keep forgetting about — most devs don’t know all of them
2 new CSS pseudo-selectors that are exclusive to Vue
Learn the obscure feature of v-for that (nearly) broke Twitter
My dead-simple technique for splitting up large components, even if you have no idea where to start
Wield v-model like no one else, Author: putting multiple on a single component
How you can easily implement smooth dragging in less than 50 lines of code — this pattern also works for any mouse movement!
Make everything in your app reactive — even the CSS!
The easiest way to pass lots of props to a component. This method also works with events!
Create real magic with Context-Aware Components. Most devs don’t even realize this is possible!
Drastically reduce template complexity Author: making them Configuration-Driven
Learn how to dynamically generate slots — even nesting them recursively!
and so much more!Vue Tips Collection
Vue Tips Collection.rar

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