Using Strategy Analytics for Business Value Creation and Competitive Advantage

Using Strategy Analytics for Business Value Creation and Competitive Advantage
Author: Sandeep Kumar Kautish (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ IGI Global
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-07-26
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 300 pages
ISBN-13: 9798369328231

Book Description

In the field of strategic management and business intelligence, a formidable challenge is present-conventional decision-making processes, heavily reliant on internal and external reports, struggle to meet the demands of this data-driven era. As organizations grapple with the increasing influx of data, the imperative for a strategic shift becomes undeniably apparent. Using Strategy Analytics for Business Value Creation and Competitive Advantage helps to guide leaders in extracting value, structuring complex problems, and crafting robust business strategies. Scholars and industry experts alike will find within the pages of this comprehensive guide a roadmap to navigate the intersection of organizational strategy and analytics, ultimately unlocking the key to business brilliance. Using Strategy Analytics for Business Value Creation and Competitive Advantage stands as a testament to the commitment to addressing the prevailing challenges in strategic decision-making. Tailored for researchers, academicians, industry experts, and scholars, the book delves into the intricacies of strategy analytics, offering transformative insights for those seeking a competitive edge in the evolving business landscape. Capturing the essence of this exploration, the transformative potential of strategy analytics is encapsulated in this valuable resource.

About the Author

Sandeep Kautish is working as Professor & Dean-Academics with LBEF Campus, Kathmandu Nepal running in academic collaboration with Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation Malaysia. He is an academician by choice and backed with 17+ Years of work experience in academics including over 06 years in academic administration in various institutions of India and abroad. He has meritorious academic records throughout his academic career. He earned his bachelors, masters and doctorate degree in Computer Science on Intelligent Systems in Social Networks. He holds PG Diploma in Management also. His areas of research interest are Business Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Information Systems. He has 40+ publications in his account and his research works has been published in reputed journals with high impact factor and SCI/SCIE/Scopus/WoS indexing. His research papers can be found at Computer Standards & Interfaces (SCI, Elsevier), Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (SCIE, Springer). Also, he has authored/edited more than 07 books with reputed publishers i.e. Springer, Elsevier, Scrivener Wiley, De Gruyter, and IGI Global. He has been invited as Keynote Speaker at VIT Vellore (QS ranking with 801-1000) in 2019 for an International Virtual Conference. He filed one patent in the field of Solar Energy equipment using Artificial Intelligence in 2019. He is an editorial member/reviewer of various reputed SCI/SCIE journals i.e. Computer Communications (Elsevier), ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Cluster Computing (Springer), Neural Computing and Applications (Springer), Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Springer), Multimedia Tools & Applications (Springer), Computational Intelligence (Wiley), Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS, International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IGI Global USA), International Journal of Image Mining (Inderscience). He has supervised one PhD in Computer Science as a co-supervisor at Bharathiar University Coimbatore. Presently two doctoral scholars are pursuing their PhD under his supervision in different application areas of Machine Learning. He is a recognized academician as Session Chair/PhD thesis examiner at various international universities of reputes i.e. University of Kufa, University of Babylon, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), University of Madras, Anna University Chennai, Savitribai Phule Pune University, M.S. University, Tirunelveli, and various other Technical Universities. (Google Scholar –

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