by: Dr.Davide Aversa
Aung Sithu Kyaw
Clifford Peters
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Packt Publishing
Release Date: November 2018
ISBN-10: 1789533910
ISBN-13: 9781789533910
Edition 版本: 4
List Price: $99.99
Book Description
Create smarter game worlds and characters with C# programming
Apply automated character movement using pathfinding and steering behaviors
Implement non-player character decision-making algorithms using Behavior Trees and FSMs
Build believable and highly efficient artificial flocks and crowds
Create sensory systems for your AI with the most commonly used techniques
Construct decision-making systems to make agents take different actions
Explore the application of machine learning in Unity
Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for game characters in Unity 2018 has never been easier. Unity provides game and app developers with a variety of tools to implement AI,from the basic techniques to cutting-edge machine learning-powered agents. Leveraging these tools via Unity’s API or built-in features allows limitless possibilities when it comes to creating your game’s worlds and characters.
This fourth edition with Unity will help you break down AI into simple concepts to give you a fundamental understanding of the topic to build upon. Using a variety of examples,the book then takes those concepts and walks you through actual implementations designed to highlight key concepts and features related to game AI in Unity.
Further on,you’ll learn how to distinguish the state machine pattern and implement one of your own. This is followed by learning how to implement a basic sensory system for your AI agent and coupling it with a Finite State Machine (FSM).
Next,you’ll learn how to use Unity’s built-in NavMesh feature and implement your own A* pathfinding system. You’ll then learn how to implement simple flocks and crowd dynamics,which are key AI concepts in Unity. Moving on,you’ll learn how to implement a behavior tree through a game-focused example. Lastly,you’ll apply all the concepts in the book to build a popular game.
Build richer games by learning the essential concepts in AI for games like Behavior Trees and Navigation Meshes
Implement character behaviors and simulations using the Unity Machine Learning toolkit
Explore the latest Unity 2018 features to make implementation of AI in your game easier
Page Count 246
Course Length 7 hours 22 minutes
ISBN 9781789533910
Date Of Publication 30 Nov 2018
Table of contents
1 Introduction to AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI in games
AI techniques
2 Finite State Machines
The player’s tank
The Bullet class
Setting up waypoints
The abstract FSM class
The enemy tank AI
Using an FSM framework
3 Randomness and Probability
Randomness in games
Definitions of probability
Character personalities
FSM with probability
Dynamic AI
Demo slot machine
Further reading
4 Implementing Sensors
Basic sensory systems
Scene setup
The player’s tank and the aspect class
AI characters
5 Flocking
Basic flocking behavior
Alternative implementation
6 Path-Following and Steering Behaviors
Following a path
Avoiding obstacles
7 A* Pathfinding
Revisiting the A* algorithm
Implementing the A* algorithm
Setting up the scene
Testing the pathfinder
8 Navigation Mesh
Setting up the map
Scene with slope
Navigation areas
Off Mesh Links
9 Behavior Trees
Introduction to Behavior Trees
Implementing a BT in Unity with Behavior Bricks
External Resources
10 Machine Learning in Unity
The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit
How to install the ML-Agents Toolkit
Using the ML-Agents Toolkit – a basic example
Further reading
11 Putting It All Together
Basic game structure
Adding automated navigation
Creating decision-making AI with FSM