Understanding ECMAScript 6: The Definitive Guide for JavaScript Developers
by: Nicholas C. Zakas
ISBN-10: 1593277571
ISBN-13: 9781593277574
Edition 版本: 1
Released: 2016-08-30
Pages: 352
Chapter 1: Block Bindings
Chapter 2: Strings and Regular Expressions
Chapter 3: Functions
Chapter 4: Expanded Object Functionality
Chapter 5: Destructuring for Easier Data Access
Chapter 6: Symbols and Symbol Properties
Chapter 7: Sets and Maps
Chapter 8: Iterators and Generators
Chapter 9: Introducing JavaScript Classes
Chapter 10: Improved Array Capabilities
Chapter 11: Promises and Asynchronous Programming
Chapter 12: Proxies and the Reflection APl
Chapter 13: Encapsulating Code with Modules
Appendix A: Minor Changes in ECMAScript 6
Appendix B: Understanding ECMAScript 7(2016)