Ultimate Ember.js for Web App Development: Leverage Convention Over Configuration Paradigm to Develop, Build, and Deploy Complex Applications Using Ember.js

Ultimate Ember.js for Web App Development: Leverage Convention Over Configuration Paradigm to Develop, Build, and Deploy Complex Applications Using Ember.js (English Edition)
by 作者: Aswin K Murugesh (Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Orange Education Pvt Ltd
Publication Date 出版日期: 2024-03-13
Language 语言: English
pages 页数: : 296 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 8197081921
ISBN-13 书号: 9788197081927

Book Description
Build large-scale, complex Web Applications using the battle-tested Ember.js framework.

Book Description

Unlock the full potential of Ember.js with this comprehensive practical handbook tailored for both novice and experienced web developers.

Starting with an introduction to Ember.js, delve into essential concepts such as Ember-Cli and local setup, gaining proficiency in Ember.js routing for seamless navigation within your applications. Learn to craft dynamic user interfaces with Ember.js components and templates, leveraging Ember Data and Services for efficient data management.

Navigate the intricacies of configuring your Ember app to suit your specific project requirements, while ensuring the robustness of your codebase through comprehensive testing techniques. Utilize the Ember Inspector tool to debug and optimize your applications with ease. Finally, master the art of deploying your Ember.js applications to production environments, ensuring a smooth and efficient deployment process.

This book provides invaluable insights and practical guidance to become proficient in Ember.js. With a focus on real-world applications and best practices, " Ultimate Ember.js for Scalable Web Applications" equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in modern web development.

Table of contents

1. Introduction to Ember.js
2. Ember CLI and Local Setup
3. Ember.js Routing
4. Ember.js Components and Templates
5. Ember Data and Services
6. Configuring your Ember.js Application
7. Testing Ember.js Applications
8. Ember Inspector
9. Build and Deployment
10. Conclusion
Index Amazon page

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