The Tech Contracts Handbook: Software Licenses, Cloud Computing Agreements, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople, 3rd Edition

The Tech Contracts Handbook: Software Licenses, Cloud Computing Agreements, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople
Author: David W. Tollen
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ American Bar Association; Third edition (May 25, 2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 398 pages
ISBN-10: 1641058536
ISBN-13: 9781641058537

Book Description

Now updated and expanded, this simple reference manual and training guide covers cloud computing agreements, software licenses, and other IT contracts. Written in a clear, plain-English style, this bestselling handbook is a complete resource for lawyers, contract managers, procurement officers, and other businesspeople–anyone responsible for getting IT deals done. It’s Author: David W. Tollen, one of the industry’s leading authorities on technology contracts.
The Handbook provides guidance on the business issues behind the terms, as well as negotiation tips and sample contract language. And it covers all the key topics in technology contracts.
This third edition gives readers new and expanded best practices for data: for terms on privacy, data security, and control of data–some of the key concerns in IT contracts today. The third edition also takes a closer look at several other terms. But it retains the simplicity and brevity that made The Tech Contracts Handbook a bestseller. Topics include:
Software-as-a-service (SaaS) and other cloud subscriptions
Limits of liability
Service level agreements (SLAs) and warranties
Open source software
On-premise software distribution contracts
Technology escrow and SaaS step-in terms
SaaS transition and deconversion
Intellectual property licenses
Internet and e-commerce
And much more
You won’t find a more accessible, useful resource on IT contracts.

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