The Remote Worker’s Handbook: How to Work Effectively from Anywhere

The Remote Worker’s Handbook: How to Work Effectively from Anywhere
March 14, 2023
by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media(Author), Jason R. Rich(Author)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: Entrepreneur Press (March 14, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 186 pages
ISBN-10 书号: 1642011568
ISBN-13 书号: 9781642011562

Book Description
Upgrade your office to anywhere in the world! Remote work offers more flexibility, autonomy, and freedom in the modern workspace while you continue to climb the corporate ladder.
With top companies like Apple, Amazon, UnitedHealth Group and more adapting to the hybrid-remote model, you have the power to make your career goals fit your lifestyle. Curate your ideal home-office or take your life on the road– limitless options, limitless potential.
Learn what it takes to become a successful remote worker, with all the tips of the trade detailed in The Remote Worker’s Handbook. Jason R. Rich and the experts at Entrepreneur help you build the necessary skill set to make transitioning to remote work a walk in the park, so you can take that actual walk in the park. Using this comprehensive guide, you’ll discover:
Time-management and collaboration applications to keep yourself organized
The key to adapting your home-office or shared workspace
Tools to navigate the cloud, virtual calendars, and the wide variety of free services available
Software and technology exclusive to the remote worker
Experience the freedom and flexibility of remote work and take your career to the next level with The Remote Worker’s Handbook.

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