The Definitive Guide to Jakarta Faces in Jakarta EE 10: Building Java-Based Enterprise Web Applications
Author: Bauke Scholtz and Arjan Tijms
Publisher finelybook 出版社: Apress; 2nd edition (March 16, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 540 pages
ISBN-10: 1484273095
ISBN-13: 9781484273098
Book Description
Learn and master the new features in the new Eclipse Jakarta Faces (formerly JavaServer Faces or JSF) web framework in this definitive guide written Author: two of the driving forces of the Faces project and the co-creators of the OmniFaces library. Authors Bauke Scholtz and Arjan Tijms take you through real-world examples that demonstrate how these new features are used with other APIs in Jakarta EE. You’ll see the new and exciting ways Jakarta Faces applications can use to communicate between a client and a server, such as using WebSockets, invoking bean methods directly from Ajax, executing client-side JavaScript when Ajax calls complete, and more
Along the way you’ll broaden your knowledge of Faces components and web APIs best practices, and learn a great deal about the internals of Faces and the design decisions that have been made when building the Faces API. For example, you’ll see what artefacts are now CDI injectable, how CDI changed Faces internally, and what some of the caveats are when working with the CDI versions of a Faces artefact.
Furthermore, you’ll build an example application from scratch. After reading The Definitive Guide to Jakarta Faces in Jakarta EE 10, you’ll be ready to build your own efficient and secure web applications.
What You Will Learn
Leverage the new features in Jakarta Faces in Jakarta EE in your existing applications
Integrate Faces and CDI
Use the brand new Component Search Expression framework, which enables you to more easily locate components from your template
Extend the Component Search Expression framework with your own search operators
Work with the different ways of mapping requests to Faces, make your application use extension-less URLs, and programmatically inspect which resources are present in your application
Master the best practices for web application development and see which are obsolete