The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses,3rd Edition

The Art of Game
Design: A Book of Lenses,Third Edition
by 作者: Jesse Schell
ISBN-10 书号: 1138632090
ISBN-13 书号: 9781138632097
Edition: 3
Publication Date 出版日期: 2019-08-12
Pages 页数: 654 pages

Book Description
Presents over 100 sets of questions,or different lenses,for viewing a game’s design. Written by one of the world’s top game designers,this book describes the deepest and most fundamental principles of game design,demonstrating how tactics used in board,card,and athletic games also work in video games. It provides practical instruction on creating world-class games that will be played again and again. New to this edition: many great examples from new VR and AR platforms as well as examples from modern games such as Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us,Free to Play games,hybrid games,transformational games,and more.

Table of Lenses
Tenth Anniversary: The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses
1ln the Beginning,There Is the Designer
2The Designer Creates an Experience
3 The Experience Takes Place in a Venue
4 The Experience Rises Out of a Game
5The Game Consists of Elements
6The Elements Support a Theme
7 The Game Begins with an ldea
8 The Game Improves through Iteration
9 The Game Is Made for a Player
10 The Experience Is in the Player’s Mind
11 The Player’s Mind Is Driven by the Player’s Motivation
12Some Elements Are Game Mechanics
13 Game Mechanics Must Be in Balance
14Game Mechanics Support Puzles
15Players Play Games through an Interface
16Experiences Can Be Judged by Their Interest Curves
17 One Kind of Experience Is the Story
18 Story and Game Structures Can Be Artfully Merged with Indirect Control
19 Stories and Games Take Place in Worlds
20 Worlds Contain Characters
21 Worlds Contain Spaces
22 Some Interfaces Create a Feeling of Presence
23 The Look and Feel of a World Is Defined by Its Aesthetics
24Some Games Are Played with Other Players
25Other Players Sometimes Form Communities
26The Designer Usually Works with a Team
27 The Team Sometimes Communicates through Documents
28 Good Games Are Created through Playtesting
29 The Team Builds a Game with Technology
30Your Game Will Probably Have a Client
31 The Designer Gives the Client a Pitch
32 The Designer and Client Want the Game to Make a Profit
33 Games Transform Their Players
34 Designers Have Certain Responsibilities
35Each Designer Has a Purpose

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