TensorFlow Pocket Primer (Computing)
Authors: Oswald Campesato
ISBN-10: 1683923642
ISBN-13: 9781683923640
Released: 2019-06-03
Print Length 页数: 152 pages
Book Description
As part of the best-selling Pocket Primer series,this book is designed to introduce beginners to TensorFlow 1.x fundamentals for basic machine learning algorithms in TensorFlow. It is intended to be a fast-paced introduction to various “core” features of TensorFlow,with code samples that cover deep learning and TensorFlow basics. The material in the chapters illustrates how to solve a variety of tasks after which you can do further reading to deepen your knowledge. Companion files with all of the code samples are available for downloading from the publisher by writing to info@merclearning.com.
Uses Python for code samples
Covers TensorFlow APIs and Datasets
Assumes the reader has very limited experience
Companion files with all of the source code examples