Statistics for Data Scientists and Analysts: Statistical approach to data-driven decision making using Python
Statistics for Data Scientists and Analysts: Statistical approach to data-driven decision making using Python (English E...
Statistics for Data Scientists and Analysts: Statistical approach to data-driven decision making using Python (English E...
Modeling and Simulation of Everyday Things Author:by Michael Roth (Author) Publisher finelybook 出版社:CRC Press Edition 版...
Ghidra Software Reverse-Engineering for Beginners: Master the art of debugging, from understanding code to mitigating th...
Digital Image Processing Using Python: A comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of digital image processing (English Ed...
Python Polars: The Definitive Guide: Transforming, Analyzing, and Visualizing Data with a Fast and Expressive DataFrame ...
Machine Learning and Metaheuristic Computation Author:Erik Cuevas (Author), Jorge Galvez (Author), Omar Avalos (Author),...
Python for Beginners: Learn Python from scratch with a practical and straightforward guide, covering essential fundament...
Python for Beginners: Learn Python from scratch with a practical and straightforward guide, covering essential fundament...
Python for Beginners: Learn Python from scratch with a practical and straightforward guide, covering essential fundament...
Product Analytics: Applied Data Science Techniques for Actionable Consumer Insights (Pearson Business Analytics Series) ...