The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book
The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book by: Andriy Burkov Print Length 页数: 160 pages Publisher finelybook 出版社: Andriy Bu...
The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book by: Andriy Burkov Print Length 页数: 160 pages Publisher finelybook 出版社: Andriy Bu...
Beginning Bazel: Building and Testing for Java,Go,and More Authors: P.J. McNerney ISBN-10: 1484251938 ISBN-13: 978148425...
Machine Learning with Go Quick Start Guide: Hands-on techniques for building supervised and unsupervised machine learnin...
Mastering Go: Create Golang production applications using network libraries,concurrency,machine learning,and advanced da...
Hands-On Deep Learning with Go: A practical guide to building and implementing neural network models using Go Authors: G...
Go Programming Cookbook: Over 85 recipes to build modular,readable,and testable Golang applications across various domai...
Concurrency by Tutorials (First Edition): Multithreading in Swift with GCD and Operations Authors: raywenderlich Tutoria...
Complete Guide to Test Automation: Techniques,Practices,and Patterns for Building and Maintaining Effective Software Pro...
Hands-On System Programming with Go: Build modern and concurrent applications for Unix and Linux systems using Golang Au...
Principles of Strategic Data Science: Creating value from data,big and small Authors: Peter Prevos ISBN-10: 1838985298 I...