SolidWorks 2021 – Step-By-Step Guide: Part,Assembly,Drawings,Sheet Metal,& Surfacing
Title: SolidWorks 2021 – Step-By-Step Guide: Part,Assembly,Drawings,Sheet Metal,& Surfacing by: Amit Bhatt,CADFolks...
Title: SolidWorks 2021 – Step-By-Step Guide: Part,Assembly,Drawings,Sheet Metal,& Surfacing by: Amit Bhatt,CADFolks...
Title: Architecture and Security Issues in Fog Computing Applications by: Praveen Kumar Rayani,S. Bharath Bhushan,Sam Go...
Title: The Alien Book: A Guide To Extraterrestrial Beings On Earth by: Nick Redfern Print Length 页数: 416 pages Edition 版...
Title: Linux Essentials: A Book that every Linux Beginners should read by: Palani Karthikeyan Print Length 页数: 341 pages...
Title: Simply Centos Linux server 8 by: Shiv Kumar Goyal Print Length 页数: 208 pages Edition 版本: 1 Language 语言: English ...
Title: Data Action: Using Data for Public Good by: Sarah Williams Print Length 页数: 312 pages Edition 版本: 1 Language 语言:...
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Title: The IoT and the Next Revolutions Automating the World by: Dinesh Goyal,S. Balamurugan,Sheng-Lung Peng Print Lengt...
Title: DARK WEB STARTERS KIT: Beginner’s Guide,Getting Started And Everything You Need To Know by: RAUL SCOTT PH.D Print...
Title: Making Strategy Browser Games: Creating “Decision Science” Game Mechanics for Phaser.js Gaming Frameworks v3.16+ ...